कम्डेक्स कम्प्युटर

हिन्दी भाषामा सुनेर कम्प्युटरको बारेमा आधारभुत ज्ञान हासिल गर्न सकिने ।

2_Arrianging Windows
3_Creating & Renaming Folder
4_Creating Desktop ShortCuts
5_Creating & Saving Fils
6_Copying File To A Different Location
7_Search And Delete File
8_Exploring Windows
9_Securing Files
10_Protecting Files On The Network
11_introduction to word
12_Opening And Saving A Document

Repidex Computer Course

Learn Computer In English. Clear Basic Concepts.

1_Introduction To COMPUTER
2_Windows Overviewer
3_Getting Control Over Windows
4_Windows Utilities
5_Power of Windows Unleashed
7_Getting Started in Word
8_Getting Control Over Word
9_Creating Professional Documents
10_Power of Word Unleashed
11_Getting Started in Excel
12_Power of The Excel Unleashed
13_Basic of Powerpoint
14_Creating Professional Presentation
15_Getting Started In Access
16_Creating & Updating Tables
17_Working with Forms
18_Power of Internet Unleashed
19_Outlook Express
20_Protecting Your Computer Against Viruses